

The studied area is a part of the Damghan Quadrangle (1:100,000) and located approximately 35 km North-west of the city of Damghan. The area is covered by sediments from the upper Devonian to the Recent. The most abundant outcrops are of Mesozoic sediments. The igneous rocks are basic and have been intruded into liassic shale's. An unconformity between the upper Jurassic and Cretaceous sediments, resulting from the orogeny of Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous (Late Kimerian) is observed. The second most common outcrops are of Cenozoic sediments. The fact that sediments of Late Eocene and Oligocene were not deposited in the area can be related to the orogeny of Late Eocene-Early Oligocene. The Quaternary and Recent deposits are mostly conglomerate and alluvium.