

Some of the sandstone layers of second and third subdivisions of the Roksha Unit (Mr2 and Mr3 , E.M. Miocene) in the east of Nikshahr ( Makran, SE Iran ) contain ample Ophiomorpha annulata and Ophiomorpha nodosa. Study of orientation of vertical, inclined and horizontal components of Ophiomorpha in the cross section outcrops, and plotting the data on a VIH ternary diagram shows that Ophiomorpha of Roksha Unit tendency to V-H line, on the other hand vertical or horizontal components are predominant. It seems that sedimentation occurred periodically in the high and low energy conditions. In the high energy mainly vertical and/or inclined components have been formed and in the low energy conditions, it was opportune for horizontal component development. Sandstone layers of Mr2 and Mr3 which present available data, show 10 sequences of energy variations
