Donor plants were grown in a growth chamber at a day/night temperature of 15/10?C (16/8 hours). Microspores at late-uninucleate to early bi-nucleate were isolated from buds 2.5-3.5 mm in length and were cultured in NLN-13 medium containing 13% sucrose. 30 days after culture of isolated microspores, cotyledonary embryos with 4-5 mm diameter were transferred to B5 medium in order to regeneration. Cultured embryos were put at 4?C for ten days with the purpose of cold stress, and then were transferred to growth chamber at temperature of 25?C. After 30 days 3 traits, the percentage of normal plantlets regeneration, callogenesis and secondary embryogenesis were investigated. The method of embryogenesis with 3 levels was experimental treatment, embryo production in 1 L flasks containing 100 ml culture medium, in 0.5 L. flasks containing 25 ml culture medium and in glass Petri dishes 100×15 mm containing 12/5 ml culture medium. The results showed significant differences (=?1%) between produced embryos in various containers for percentage of normal plantlets regeneration, callogenic embryo production and secondary embryogenesis. The comparison of means showed that 1 and 0.5 L. flasks were the best effective containers for normal plantlets pro-duction (group a, 58% and 54%, respectively). Embryos in 1 L flasks showed the least abnormal regeneration with 21.41% callogenic embryos and 11.11% secondary embryos.