

Charlock (Sinapis arvensis) is frequently found growing in colza (Brassica napus) crops and is a serious weed in the fields. There is much evidence that allelochemicals released from certain weeds into the soil. It was observed when colza fields infested with charlock. In present research, samples of colza and charlock were collected from field. Etiolated seedling of colza were cultured in Hoagland’s culture with or without shoot and root of charlock (in 5-6 foliar leaf stage) aqueous extraction at 0.5% and 1.5% concentration of stock solution (10 gr dried material extracted in 100 ml DW). Shoot extract reduced shoot and root length, leaf area and fresh weight of colza, but root extract were only at 1.5% significantly affected. Shoot extract at 1.5% reduced chlorophyll a, and total chlorophyll of colza compared to control, but root extract at the same concentrations reduced chlorophyll b. In addition shoot extracts reduced Hill reaction. Shoot and root extracts of charlock increased soluble and decreased non-soluble carbohydrate content in colza. Charlock aqueous extraction reduced protein and increased proline content in leaves. Shoot and root extracts of charlock at 1.5% concentration increased catalyzed oxidation of Guaiacol (peroxidase activity) of leaf extract of colza.
