Computing Wiener and Szeged Indices of an Achiral Polyhex Nanotorus


Suppose G is the molecular graph of an achiral polyhex nanotorus and e is an edge of G. We denote by N1(e|G) the number of vertices of G lying closer to one end of e and by N2(e|G) the number of vertices of G lying closer to the other end of e. Then the Szeged index of G is defined as Sz(G) = ?e?E(G)N1(e|G)N2(e|G), where E(G) is the set of all edges of G. The Wiener index of G is defined as W(G) = 1/2?{x,y}?V(G)d(x,y), where d(x,y) denotes the length of a minimal path between x and y. In this paper, the Wiener and Szeged indices of an achiral polyhex nanotorus are computed.
