

Survival and reproduction of C.Pusillus were studied on 23 selected Fungi in monoxenic culture. The fungi included 9 species and 2 strains of Aspergillus. 7 species of penicillium, 4 species of Fusarium and 1 species of claviceps.
Some species and strains were mycotoxin producers. in general that insect species was mor susceptible to fungal toxicity and acute toxicity resulted from the A. clavatus (5890) diet, the species and strains that were best utilized as food were those that do not produce mycotoxins.
The maximum longvity of survival was 8 weeks on C.Purpurea(1270)culture and no reproduction on any of Fungi, olny afther 2 weeks there was 1 larvae on F.roseum (5864)and afther 3 weeks 1 larvae on each of A.Flavus (1958), and P.Citrinum (1843)than they died.