Palynology and Paleoenvironmental study of the Neyzar Formation in east of Kopet – Dagh Sedimentary Basin
The Neyzar Formation with a lithology of mainly sandy limestones and shales is one of the Kopet–Dagh sedimentary basin lithostratigraphic units. As plalynomophs have widely been used for age dating, palaeoenviromental and palaeoclimatological interpretations in order study palynology , palynofacies and paleoenvironment of this formation three sections, Chachahe, Tange – neyzar and Padly, were sampled palynologically and the samples were prepared and studied. Some of the samples proved to be rich in dinoflagellates and rich assemblages of dinoflagellates were recorded. The assemblage indicates an age of Maastrichtian for the formation. Palynofacies studies show that the formation was deposited in a shallow- open marine environment with moderate to high energy conditions.
(2009). Palynology and Paleoenvironmental study of the Neyzar Formation in east of Kopet – Dagh Sedimentary Basin. Journal of Science,University of Tehran(not publish), 34(2), -.
. "Palynology and Paleoenvironmental study of the Neyzar Formation in east of Kopet – Dagh Sedimentary Basin", Journal of Science,University of Tehran(not publish), 34, 2, 2009, -.
(2009). 'Palynology and Paleoenvironmental study of the Neyzar Formation in east of Kopet – Dagh Sedimentary Basin', Journal of Science,University of Tehran(not publish), 34(2), pp. -.
, "Palynology and Paleoenvironmental study of the Neyzar Formation in east of Kopet – Dagh Sedimentary Basin," Journal of Science,University of Tehran(not publish), 34 2 (2009): -,
Palynology and Paleoenvironmental study of the Neyzar Formation in east of Kopet – Dagh Sedimentary Basin. Journal of Science,University of Tehran(not publish), 2009; 34(2): -.